Vanilla Cake Heaven
As we already showed you on our Instagram, there are many ways to eat delicious plant based and yummy food. Here is one of our favorites,...
As we already showed you on our Instagram, there are many ways to eat delicious plant based and yummy food. Here is one of our favorites,...
Often, we buy snacks or make them and they're gone faster than we could even put them back in the fridge or pantry. So what can you do...
This week is all about snacks! Especially during these long days spent studying or working from at home, one thing that should never be...
Streets are empty, stores and restaurants are closed, everyone is staying at home, so what can you do? I know a lot of people are...
As mentioned in our previous blog post, our immune system is really important in order to fight against viruses and bacteria. This is...
In times like these, where a virus is spreading all over the world, one thing that is especially important for each individual, is to...
Sometimes, its hard, especially as a student, to find yummy and also affordable cafés in Utrecht. So in order to help you out, we decided...
Here are some recipes that can come in handy when your wallet feels a little lighter than usual. Try them and tell us if you enjoy them...
It's a stereotype: Eating healthy and plant based is EXPENSIVE! But as we all know, stereotypes are never the rule. Skipping the meat can...
My personal favorite... HUMMUS PASTA For this recipe the basic ingredients are... Pasta (as much as your heart desires) 1 Onion Veggies...
As #gretathunberg made it very clear to almost all of us, we are currently living in a world that is dying. The reason for that are our...
We have created The UniKit Project in order to inspire you to live a more sustainable, cheaper and easier life. All this combined while...